A financial wellbeing planning tool for today, tomorrow and after



LegacyScore allows people to see the value in their today, tomorrow & after with wealth management and estate planning tools.


LegacyScore is the worlds first legacy scoring application that is on a mission is to transform how people look at life and mortality and to guide individuals to financial freedom.


LegacyScore is designed to help guide you as an individual to understand and plan your future in a way that is personal to you.

Why a Jellyfish?

Only one species has been called ‘biologically immortal’ – The jellyfish Turritopsis dohrnii. These small, transparent animals hang out in oceans around the world and can turn back time by reverting to an earlier stage of their life cycle.

However, their ability to switch back and forth between life stages in response to stress means that, in theory, they could live forever.


We have trademarked our own wordmark as this sums up what LegacyScore does as a product.

It focus on the today for planning and financial help. The tomorrow for your retirement and saving and finally on the after for when you pass. Creating a Will and letting your loved ones know your wishes.

Brand Characters

We decided to create characters to use within our platform tutorials to help guide users on the useage of LegacyScore and how to improve their scores. These are aimed at our younger clients and we have named them The Bloom Family.


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